uh, noo!!
you generalized vanilla sweetseakers are all the same if that isn´t the real crazy the idc what your opinion is!
kink is individual as much as any individual on this plane is anyways…
i do see your need for controll and want to know it all but you forget the most important thing in the first place again (regardless of what your position is; LOL) YOU! and YOUR TRUTH!
So why is it so bad for your collective controllseeking view!? that people know what kind of torture or not they want in the first place?
what makes them feel good?
or what kind of communion they seek out to reveal themselves and their truth?!
I don´t want to know your opinionated answer but i do care about that my truth is saying something to you that you can´t yet know the truth of because you´d rather pretend ignorance is more worthy than thruth and individual empowerment that comes thru faceing it that others know something too and that kink communication (verbal as well as physical) is more intimate than what you´ll have experienced so far or ever from the beginn with
instead of shallow to do list checkouts real kink has to be intimate and confronted truth that is why i love the role of the domme that i have given myself since i have been a long time in the complex of seeing wht people want that what they need and yet i was never built to climb down my mountain get into the nitty gritty with them and end up submitting myself to beeing the bullied or outlandish weirdo because i am honest regardless of my position i had in the vanillas controllfreakish minds
i have then tried understanding them (for what feels like milennia, but was an accurate of 12 ish years (+- months, days) and before i put myself into real cruel happenstances i ended up here, watching over myself judgementfree and truthfull, fucking shit up regardless but really seeing what life and ME is (+- most of the time LOL)
the thing i want to express is that i love to be a domme with the position that i am born with and the rules i can lay out for people who want to climb the mountain (to be with me) I LOVE IT! (+-the developement i have to encounter from conditioned observed to reconditioning observer :D)
anyways; kink is JUST ANOTHER WAY OF COMMUNICATION AND EXPRESSION AND HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST RESPECT LEVELS BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS THAT COMMUNE (from my experience at least the domme sub relationship is respectfuller than a client and a cashier have even tho that is a messed up example it is farther awa from beeing confused than if i´d say a daughter and her mother or a father and his son! so take whatever example feels right for you but remember because your mind and your conditioning is going to influence that understanding please just try to get with the truth that is the most clear ;))
Kindest wishes
This is the pace where you get to know my Soul.
I don´t think you can get to know me deeper in ANY Social Media post so this is why i created this locals.com Community-Site =)
I´d like you to know your Goddess as plenty as correct and because i have many faccades this must be the way of written selfexpression :)🦀
Update March 2024: Hell yeah! I welcome you to this pacifier😂😃😉
Copywriting is the professional creation of advertising texts, which is made up of the English word "copy" for text and "writing" for writing. The purpose of a copywriter is to arouse interest in readers with the chosen words, create need and, ideally, bring about a conversion (the desired action).
Goals of copywriting
Generating interest and attention
Generating need and desire
Persuasion and conviction
Conversion and sales
Types of copywriting
Advertising texts for print media (magazines, newspapers, brochures)
Advertising texts for online media (websites, social media, emails)
Advertising texts for audio media (radio, podcasts)
Advertising texts for video media (television, YouTube)
Skills of a copywriter
Communication skills
Analytical skills
Understanding of target groups and market research
* Ability to present complex content in a simple and understandable way