not easy
many stigmas
many breaks
many lies
and envies
but nothing of it seems to have sparks of truth other than the fact that it happened =)
awfull stuff too it just seems so lost and unecpressed truthfull empowerment of those that choose to do the work for themselves- by themselves and only because of that trajectory beeing correct.
also i could say that my mind has been conditioned to beleive it´s very little in status for a human
but in reality you don´t know before you get to know the person itself and to think of some sort of status is just hirarchical belief anyways
and with that dangerously low repsect conditioning also comes the “hero” seeking truth out of my mind so i do´nt know what will happen to me in my life but am curious to experience that!
and for the love of all those thriller & drama stories that occur to be more popular than truth i would like to visit a selfdefense course if my famousness strives to shine like a star/sun for myself to think i am secure if i needed to be more than only beeing me…!
i mean if i can change a thing then yes! or not! who knows!
so i think it´s gonna be awesome to be SELF selfempolyed and to experience one self beeing their bodies trajectories in that way
but of course there has been planted doubt that it´s not gonna work, that it´s gonna be too hard, that it´s gonna be a punishment, that you gotta compare yourself, that you´re not gonna be able to be calm as beeing a businessowner, that you´re gonna hassle, your teeth fall out, your hair gets grey, your nerves are wrecked, doom
yes and no- i assume that as long as you´re operateing from your bodys truth -ALWAYS you´re gonna get the best and most out of any and everything!
and i love that! and that is what i stand by
because yes you have to go thru bad stuff/times too but that is empowerment!
how you gonna get the inspirational energy if you´re not sad all by yourself? it´s just a matter of aware decision makeing
and for the topic of moveing out of this employment category into a new (corporate job - for instance) job you´re not gonna get where you wanna be/ are correct to be without the right people anyways and that just goes back to right decision makeing and not or do beeing able to see through your eyes and not think about what happened or not happenend or/and the answers/ questions and demands and denies and all that just get´s ones mind to start suffering and however bitter suffering is minds feed of of that- wich is gross honestly and in my hopefully last word on this topic (i´m really upset here; super fast typing) you´ll make the right decision and the right decision brings the correct conditioning and that is all you need / have to look out for. to get your truth.
living by it is not easy but just what it is and in that simplicity it´s empowering wich i hope to find plenty in my live even after i started to market myselfs of and what nots actively to get known
i mean i love to be myself and be where i am at already! life is a beauty. to me
altough sometimes she´s hard but what i have to remind myself is that if it´s hard &/or confuseing it´s gonna pass and then when the sun shines again i´mma just go on like when she´s not shining≠D
that was some deep insight into my soul again= very accurate marketing of myself again =D
but i like to love how i see things in the most realistic expression of love and to lead as my example (not a collective, just a few, right; correct people :D)
ajhhh so yeah that is the beauty of the online s—work creator world
because there is no need to have immediate contact (stalking and whatnotsdangers)
but then again even if there were obsessives and harmfull things happening A LOT AND A LOT TALKED ABOUT(!) the beauty of that is that it doesn´t matter and you just get to accept the consequences of your actions and don´t have to take it personal or do - whatever is up to you it´s not easy thru the black hot teer but that is what we talked about already, plot is that you just have to be smart about your features and to arrive at outer authority is not simple but very enjoyable even the makeing of that is (because you get to see your life )
just don´t take things to personally we live in a duality with each of our own potentials just let yourself get to be living that fully and you´ll see what you will get! (the most and best, probably with less hardship to put up with if you truthfully let go of your mind involveing itself in the nitty gritty [wich i was guilty of for uuuuhhhh sooooommme time!!!; what taught me and got me very yummy but yeah!])
I wish you all (creators) that read this the best! and awesomest of correct lifes and most strenght thru hardships and decontitioning of the minds≠D
anad you all that read this outside of creatorship/t i wanna tel you the exact same thing bestest and most to you too! (however that may look like) and greatest strength and awareness to you too in the deepest hardships too!≠)
With a heart full of LOVE
This is the pace where you get to know my Soul.
I don´t think you can get to know me deeper in ANY Social Media post so this is why i created this Community-Site =)
I´d like you to know your Goddess as plenty as correct and because i have many faccades this must be the way of written selfexpression :)🦀
Update March 2024: Hell yeah! I welcome you to this pacifier😂😃😉
Copywriting is the professional creation of advertising texts, which is made up of the English word "copy" for text and "writing" for writing. The purpose of a copywriter is to arouse interest in readers with the chosen words, create need and, ideally, bring about a conversion (the desired action).
Goals of copywriting
Generating interest and attention
Generating need and desire
Persuasion and conviction
Conversion and sales
Types of copywriting
Advertising texts for print media (magazines, newspapers, brochures)
Advertising texts for online media (websites, social media, emails)
Advertising texts for audio media (radio, podcasts)
Advertising texts for video media (television, YouTube)
Skills of a copywriter
Communication skills
Analytical skills
Understanding of target groups and market research
* Ability to present complex content in a simple and understandable way