i once had a classmate (at around 12 years) that used to exclude me (because of my truth or whatever) even tho i was LOVEING AND LOVELY (THE COOL GIRL TO BE AROUND, IF YOU`RE A NERD OR AWARE)
and so one day after 2-3 horrible alone-ish-feeling weeks i was in again, why(?you ask?) i don´t know, i couldn´t even now explain it because as far as i could see it was just moodswingy related
and so we were going into class and the girl was singing “ the power of love” wich she heard in the radio the other day (i think because she was with her grandpa or uncle or something) and fell in love with it- so she sang and jumped into the air kicking at the moment of “power” and i was flabbergasted (and i remember so clearly because i got so upset that this stupid girl is haveing “Rules” over me or at least the scool society that we both were in and directed them in against me ways) so i stood there (probably mouth open, big eyes or squinting or what :D) thinking to myself whoah this bitch is stupid!
and i thought after that so realized “hell yeahs” you know?!😀
i knew i had t ochage the comeing year in school and i just spent it with other beeings like yeah!
but the stupid gossip was never gone 4 ever (sadly- or not)
however that song played in the radio today and i remembered that scenery and my thoughts and process and honestly i had to smile and so smiling along writing this down! (was an amazeing christmas!!!) AWESOME≠D
anyways hope you have had smart ass moments filled with oyur truth in that life and to be remembered like that is like really a wish from me to you
if you´d come to realize that thinking bad of other people isn´t that impactfull if you observe that it´s just a thought!
without power to be held but power lies in the realization and that is what makes me vrey powerfull!😀
and i love myself≠)
and life≠D
so !
take care
be well
enjoy yourself
and see you in the next awesome one≠)
bye 👋
Isa Blue
This is the pace where you get to know my Soul.
I don´t think you can get to know me deeper in ANY Social Media post so this is why i created this locals.com Community-Site =)
I´d like you to know your Goddess as plenty as correct and because i have many faccades this must be the way of written selfexpression :)🦀
Update March 2024: Hell yeah! I welcome you to this pacifier😂😃😉
Copywriting is the professional creation of advertising texts, which is made up of the English word "copy" for text and "writing" for writing. The purpose of a copywriter is to arouse interest in readers with the chosen words, create need and, ideally, bring about a conversion (the desired action).
Goals of copywriting
Generating interest and attention
Generating need and desire
Persuasion and conviction
Conversion and sales
Types of copywriting
Advertising texts for print media (magazines, newspapers, brochures)
Advertising texts for online media (websites, social media, emails)
Advertising texts for audio media (radio, podcasts)
Advertising texts for video media (television, YouTube)
Skills of a copywriter
Communication skills
Analytical skills
Understanding of target groups and market research
* Ability to present complex content in a simple and understandable way