Hej there, this is my Locals- Community filled with inner movement and outer too (while living towards financial freedom/ living in my signature/ beeing a love connector)
Since the Biz. is basically the Love&Rubbing Biz i like to be as aware (of myself first) as i can be.
That way i can provide for the other (my Subscribers, inkl. you reading) as best as i can.
I´m aware of all the People moveing into this yearning that Buck to come and ending up burnt out/ energetically, emotionally (&mentally).
And because i want to avoid Selfhatred (esp. from that Supercomputer) i´ve been reverse engineering my Life, inkludeing moveing this Opportunity around so that it fits ME and MY NEEDS. That´s when i work best- that´s when i can actually give stuff, in exchange for something else! HAHA! :D
So yeah, come along and see for yourself the ups and downs of my journey´s and maybe learn something on the way (or two).
I keep you Up To date as much as is uniquely possible (and hopefully as clear as possible!, HAHA LOL, keep in Mind there is the Discount... for a little Trial Period of yours to see weither you resonate with ME (i´m sure haveing a thing or two that are generalising Stuff but i´m not very out of my Experience so you´ll get that too- for sure!) :D
So kind of you to come in and check out what the community is about.
You´re warmestly Welcome! HUG \^*^/
This is the pace where you get to know my Soul.
I don´t think you can get to know me deeper in ANY Social Media post so this is why i created this locals.com Community-Site =)
I´d like you to know your Goddess as plenty as correct and because i have many faccades this must be the way of written selfexpression :)🦀
Update March 2024: Hell yeah! I welcome you to this pacifier😂😃😉
Copywriting is the professional creation of advertising texts, which is made up of the English word "copy" for text and "writing" for writing. The purpose of a copywriter is to arouse interest in readers with the chosen words, create need and, ideally, bring about a conversion (the desired action).
Goals of copywriting
Generating interest and attention
Generating need and desire
Persuasion and conviction
Conversion and sales
Types of copywriting
Advertising texts for print media (magazines, newspapers, brochures)
Advertising texts for online media (websites, social media, emails)
Advertising texts for audio media (radio, podcasts)
Advertising texts for video media (television, YouTube)
Skills of a copywriter
Communication skills
Analytical skills
Understanding of target groups and market research
* Ability to present complex content in a simple and understandable way