i believe i have not yet talked about this
and how i got here is via my home
actually my stepsister that connected me to of
remembering bigger it actually started already at home
when girls were in that movie that my father really enjoyed
or the new get your webcam trend to chat with your boyfriend (via girls magazines that i got every so often when i really had to ask after the wrong classmates pointed that out to me)
so one thing that i wanna stress- is as i believe (for me) i am digested by my environment and weither they bring me the right opportunities is not up to me- they are htem and they are not to be changed by me
but as i notice i am grumpy with their opportunities or just by beeing with themselves more often than no
i am better of to aside them i wants and be aware that i need new/ better/ more/different people to bounce off of and enjoy life in another flavour and or just see my inside minds words talking shit about the goodnesses my friends/network brings
so yeah alnogside of them and them and them and them there are opportunities and more than one can be the right ones as well ase false
the choice is yours, no one´s accountable more than you for your own unique life! =)
i hope this makes also a clarifycation of who you become when you are with the wrong/right for you people
as i´m writing this i remember the soft white underbelly shots with frenchie (who i believe to be a proud member along my fractal, a stunner, a truthfull woman, an empowered and aware one)