"I can express My negative and positive receiveable Emotions eloquently and honestly"
"If whatever makes Me angry i´m not gonna pin down My Emotional Power but express where My Lines are and what Movement overstepped them"
"I am NOT FEARFULL of how the other might receive my Truth"
"I am not afraid to talk about any Issue regarding their Movement"
"I am not afraid to wait for their aware Response!"
"I am not afraid to wait for their unaware Response, as i am aware that if they do not know how to I´m able to give them Time (2 minutes to 2 months until I ask them again if things are bigger)"
"Also i´m not afraid to quit the Relation, if their Servitude does not go well along with My Needs, as I know I am worth a more aware Approach"
"I am not to barely afraid about the others reactions to Me because i respect their ways of receiveing life and experiences"
"I am not and will never bend towards the pleasure of anybody if it is not to my general great benefit"