Planet of Goddess Isa
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Useing My Energy For MY Satisfaction (generally😚)
Hello and welcome!

This is the pace where you get to know my Soul.
I don´t think you can get to know me deeper in ANY Social Media post so this is why i created this Community-Site =)
I´d like you to know your Goddess as plenty as correct and because i have many faccades this must be the way of written selfexpression :)🦀

Update March 2024: Hell yeah! I welcome you to this pacifier😂😃😉

The MOST Effective Way to Avoid Lifestyle Creep
Lifestyle creep is this annoying but  fascinating phenomenon that actually happens  
to a lot of people. And by a lot of people,  I mean me included. This is something that  
I used to deal with in the past. I've stopped it  and now I want to help you guys do the same. I'm  
saying that to let you know don't feel too bad if  you have also fallen victim to lifestyle creep.
What is lifestyle creep?
In a nutshell, lifestyle creep is when your  lifestyle expenses like your discretionary  
income increase at the same rate that  your income increases. Sometimes it  
might be when your lifestyle costs  increase faster than your income,  
and that can obviously lead to debt and definitely  halt your progress towards building wealth.
So lifestyle creep sometimes referred  to as lifestyle inflation is definitely  
something you want to avoid. At least, that's  because the creep part of lifestyle creep  
implies that you're doing it subconsciously,  that you're not actively doing it, that it's  
something that's just happening to you. So that  leads me to the big takeaway of this video,  
The importance of being proactive
which is that the most effective way to avoid  lifestyle creep is this very, very simple thing.
Being proactive about your finances, being  intentional. This means having a legit plan  
for your money, not just trying to figure it out  as you go. It's very, very easy to be reactive  
when it comes to your finances, right? An  unexpected expense comes about. All right,  
I got to figure it out. Let me take on  some debt or let me pull it from here.
Let me take out of my emergency fund or  Ooh, I got a raise. I got a bonus. Ooh,  
I could spend more. I can afford more. Let me  go ahead and buy these things that I've been  
wanting to buy for a long time. So being reactive  in situations of spending, or even in situations  
when you have more money, like a raise or a bonus  or an unexpected windfall of money, being reactive  
can sometimes lead to decisions that are not  aligned with your bigger financial goals.
So if building wealth is a goal of yours, then  this video is for you. In this video, I'm going  
to dig a little bit deeper into lifestyle creep.  And I also want to run through six ways that you  
can be proactive, that you can be intentional  about your finances. And at the end of the video,  
if you can stick through the end, I'm going to  give you a challenge that I think you should do  
if and when you get your next increase in income,  you're going to eventually increase your income.
So this is something you're going to want to do  for those new here. Hello and welcome. My name  
is Lissa Prudencio. I'm a personal finance  expert and accredited financial counselor.  
And I'm the co host of net net podcast, a  podcast where we talk about hidden costs,  
And help you navigate every  financial decision in life.
Go check it out and let me know what  you guys think. So why does lifestyle  
Why lifestyle creep happens
creep even happen? You get a raise  and suddenly that car you've been  
driving for years seems outdated. You're  just due for a new one all of a sudden,  
even though the old one is running just  fine, or maybe you all of a sudden.
realize that your wardrobe needs an upgrade.  You weren't thinking about that before,  
but now new money is in your hands and all of  a sudden it becomes top priority. And here's  
the big one for a lot of people. Dining out and  going out all of a sudden become more frequent  
occurrences. So look, I get it. I told you  at the beginning that I've fallen victim  
to lifestyle creep, and I'm going to tell  you right now that it happens for a reason.
For lots of reasons, but we're going to  get into it. What I think about it is I  
think lifestyle creep happens because  there is this natural urge to want to  
progress in life. So for people who  start with very little or nothing,  
to move up in society is the ability to have  more, to get more, to live a nicer lifestyle.
That on its own, I don't think there's anything  wrong with that view of the world and progress.  
Why it's not really your fault
But unfortunately, We live in a capitalistic  society and we are taught at a very young age,  
we are taught behaviors that are grounded in  consumerism and wanting more and even worse  
Some people are taught behaviors of wanting more  for the sake of comparing themselves to others.
So these are things that tend to happen  automatically. We are fed messages all  
around to buy more things, to get more things,  that if we have this thing, it's going to make  
us feel this way. And it's going to give us this  status. It's kind of how a lot of social things  
in life work. And unfortunately, A lot of those  things the acquiring of more requires money So it  
makes complete sense to me that lifestyle creep  tends to happen to people Because when we end up  
getting more financial resources We've already  been brainwashed, we've already been taught that  
the natural thing to do is to use those resources  to acquire other things, to want more things.
Now again, I'm not saying that wanting things  is bad. That is life. I, I like things. Like,  
I'll tell you that right now. Ultimately, we  get to craft our lives in a way that brings us  
joy. The problem is we have to do that with what  resources we have, right? Right? Time, energy,  
money. However you utilize those resources is  what ends up being your life and your lifestyle.
So I can go on a tangent about this for  days, but the reason I wanted to point  
this out is because lifestyle creeps Creep  sucks, it's not great for your finances,  
but I don't want you to think it's just a  behavior that happens because you are bad  
with money or you are just someone who  overspends and wants a luxurious life.
Like cool, that might be a part of it and  for some people that's the reason behind it,  
but more often than not, it's more  complicated than that. Honestly,  
if there's anyone or anything to blame for  lifestyle creep. It's not you. It's not your  
friends. It's not your family. It's not your  parents. It is the system that we live in.
So all of that said, not to be negative  Nancy here, but that is kind of why a  
lot of us fall victim to lifestyle creep  without even noticing it. All we know is  
that it's getting harder and harder to  pay bills. We know that we want to build  
wealth. We want to have a secure  future. Maybe we don't want to.
Work for the next 40 years of our life.  We just don't know how, and it's going  
to be hard to do that if the more your  income increases. So do your expenses,  
right? You wanna find that way to live  the lifestyle you want today while also  
thinking about your future. So let's talk  about how you can avoid lifestyle creep.
How can you be intentional and proactive about  your finances so you don't get caught up with  
lifestyle creep? The more money you start  making the key to avoiding lifestyle creep,  
like I mentioned earlier. is to be  proactive. It is to live intentionally,  
to have a clear focus of your financial  goals and your financial life.
Setting clear financial goals
So that first example I have on the  list of how to be intentional is to  
set clear financial goals. You should  think about and define what you want  
to achieve financially. So what do you want  to achieve in life that requires money that  
is somehow tied to money. That could  be buying a home, buying investments,  
buying real estate, paying off debt,  saving for retirement, traveling the world.
It is whatever you want it to be,  but you want to have clear goals and  
also some estimated timeline for those  goals. Knowing those goals is going to  
keep you focused when it comes to day to day  financial decisions. All right, number two,  
another way to be proactive about your finances  is to create. a budget and to stick to it.
Creating and sticking to a budget
If you don't like budgets, if  you don't want to call it that,  
then call it your spending plan or  your financial plan. What you need is  
a plan of how you're going to allocate your  resources. It's as simple as that. So how  
are you going to use your regular income  towards all of your essential expenses,  
towards all of your savings, your investments,  and for some of your discretionary spending?
If you can create this plan and stick as close  to it as possible, you'll be able to control  
what kind of spending happens. And that includes  when you get an increase in income. Number three,  
Automating your savings
another way to be intentional and proactive with  your finances is to automate your savings. So in  
a way, you're being proactive, but you actually  don't have to do much after you set this up.
So I call this paying yourself  first. And what this is,  
is a method of making sure that  no matter what, you are always  
putting money towards saving and investing in  your Anytime you get paid. So if you get paid  
on a regular basis, like from a job that pays  you consistently, it's the easiest way to do it.
That every time you get paid, you have a set  amount going straight to savings or straight  
to investing. You can think of it like an  additional deduction of your paycheck. Yes,  
your net pay, the remainder money is going  to be lower and you're going to have to live  
off of that. But this builds the habit of  you prioritizing your future as well as.
Paying for all of your day to day expenses.  People are more successful when they  
prioritize saving in this way, as opposed to  getting paid and then paying everyone else,  
paying all their bills, you know, buying their  necessities, buying their discretionary stuff,  
and then realizing, Oh, I don't  have anything left to save.
Or maybe if they do have something to save,  it's just not consistent. It doesn't happen  
every two weeks or every month  or whatever. So the additional  
trick here to avoid a lifestyle  creep is when your income. increases,  
you should also increase this amount that  you are paying yourself automatically, right?
You're not going to notice that you've  increased that amount because overall  
your check will increase, your income is  going to increase, but you want to dedicate  
some of that towards saving and investing.  And that's just going to accelerate your  
process towards building wealth. All right,  number four. I think we're on number four.
Improving spending habits
Number four is to improve your spending  habits. So lifestyle creep often happens  
to people because of impulse purchases or needing  immediate gratification. Or like I said earlier,  
why you need to track your budget because  people just don't track. So tracking is a  
means of accountability. So one thing you can  do to improve your spending behaviors is when  
you want something and there's not really a  rational reason for needing it right here,  
right now, immediately, you can practice  the art of delayed gratification.
You can give yourself a cooling off period,  and that can be two days or a week or two  
weeks. You want to test yourself so that  you can decide during this time if that's  
something that you really, really want, or if it  was just kind of an impulsive thought of getting  
that thing. It gives you time to decide,  what is that thing going to do for my life?
What value is it going to bring to  me? Now, don't worry, this is not  
something you're going to have to consciously  do and actively do for the rest of your life,  
unless you want to. It is a habit that you want to  build now while you are at the beginning stages of  
trying to build wealth. And especially if you  tend to have not so great spending behaviors.
All right. Number five. Celebrate your  milestones. So this is something that's  
Celebrate wins
important to do proactively when it  comes to avoiding lifestyle creep,  
because what tends to happen is when people  are super, super frugal or they're cheap and  
they do it to the point where they don't get to  enjoy any of their money, what happens when they  
do make more money is That becomes the time to  splurge or to enjoy that money for themselves.
Now, I'm not saying you have to pick  one or the other. You can do both,  
but you want to do a balance. You don't  want to just have all this pent up,  
not pent up aggression, but you don't want  to have all this like pent up need and want  
to spend. And then once you finally  get more money, you spend like crazy.
You want to make sure that you reward yourself on  a regular basis. You use your money to celebrate  
yourself on a more regular basis. And sure, if  you get paid more, you can do that again when  
that happens, but you just don't want it to be  this excessive amount that basically puts you  
in a worse financial situation than before you got  that raise or bonus or windfall or whatever it is.
All right, the sixth way and the last one on  this list of how you can be proactive about  
your finances and avoid lifestyle creep is to Get  yourself some accountability buddies. You want to  
Accountability buddies
surround yourself with like minded people,  like minded friends who are kind of in the  
same boat. If you spend time with people, you are  going to end up influencing each other's habits.
So if you're really trying to  be good about your finances,  
build your foundations, you know, save  for an emergency fund, pay off debt,  
if you're in that boat and you're with people  who are taking lavish vacations all the time,  
and you know, maybe they have more income than you  do at this time, you're going to feel left out.
And you're going to feel like you have  to spend to keep up with everyone. If  
you surround yourself with people who are like  minded and who might have And especially for  
people who just respect your goals and want  to support you, then you're going to have a  
easier time saying no when you need to say  no, and then having more guidance and more  
support in picking and choosing the right  times to say yes, when it comes to spending.
All right. So, We talked about what lifestyle  creep is, why I think it tends to happen a lot  
in society, and it's a systemic issue.  And we also talked about six different  
ways you can be more proactive about your  finances, not only to avoid lifestyle creep,  
but to improve your finances in  general. So before we end this video,  
I did not forget I promised at the beginning  that I would share with you a special tip or  
a challenge that I want you to try the next  time you get a raise or an increase in income.
The challenge
So the challenge is very simple. When you  get an increase in income, do not change  
your lifestyle for six months. This means if  you get a raise and your income increases,  
Keep your lifestyle and your expenses  the exact same for just six months. Now  
you're not going to be able to  fight inflation on this, right?
Things might just actually cost a little bit  more than they used to. But for the most part,  
if you get a raise and you keep  all of your expenses the same,  
you should end up with some extra cashflow  at the end of the month or during the month  
for these first six months, which  is the challenge I'm issuing you.
Now, what do you do with this extra money? Those  first six months before you change anything about  
your lifestyle? Well, you want to do wealth  building activities. I talk about them all  
the time on my channel, but these are things  like accelerating your debt payoff. putting  
aside your emergency fund that you've been  meaning to do forever, but you still haven't.
Investing, putting aside other savings that  you need in the next couple of years. All  
of these things that are going to help  increase your net worth and also just set  
your foundations for the future. All right.  So I hope this video helped out and I hope  
that all of you can prevent lifestyle  creep from happening unintentionally  
because you're going to set yourself up  and be proactive about your finances.
All right. Until next time, peace out.
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🕉️☯️♋OOH i love the sisterhood
damn girl that´s how we do it!=)
s come and go do since 2017 that kills
their business it's trying to be
affordable trying to be the cheap fandom
trying to be the financial dominatrix
for those men who are on a budget those
men who are on welfare those men who
don't have the financial means to truly
be participating in such a fetish a rich
man's fetish like Financial domination
you're trying to be the great value of
fandom the the EBT of fandom and is that
[ __ ] just doesn't work like that's quite
literally an oxymoron when we say
Financial domination is a rich man's
fetish I mean that this is not the the
Kink for you if you have gone your whole
life going 50 50 with women you've
watched your mom go 50 50 with your
father and now you expect your woman
your wife to go 50 50 with you Financial
domination is not for you Financial
domination is not for you if you are so
focused on trying to get McDonald's
reimbursement and your nails done and
your hair done that you're not asking
for what you could truly get from these
men you're so worried about
materialistic [ __ ] you're trying to get
the Gucci the Prada the this the that
hair the nails done things that you
should be able to quite honestly pay for
now don't get me wrong when I say you
know there's nothing wrong with getting
your hair done getting your nails done
you know as a financial dominatrix I've
had Subs you know pay my car no month
after month for years this car that I'm
in right now
pay my car note month after month after
month for years for me but I was smart
enough to know that
those little small reimbursements those
little small tributes here and there yes
they add up but I'm smart enough to know
that that's not enough
because my philosophy is this right I
see girls especially new girls on
Twitter all the time doing these sub
drains and this and that and they're
like bragging like oh my God this sub
spent so much money on me I just drained
him I just took everything he has he's
gonna be eating ramen noodles and peanut
butter and jelly for the rest of the
and then I'm looking no shade no tea to
them cause
obviously I'm I'm making my money it's
not hurting my profits but I'm looking
okay so how much how much did he send
you know I'm bragging on my students I'm
checking on my students I'm trying to
see okay girl how much did you get
and it's like a hundred dollars it's
like two hundred dollars and here's one
thing that I had to learn like I said
those little tributes at uh but here's
my philosophy if you can send me 25 four
that's a hundred dollars right if you
could send me twenty five dollars four
times to get to a hundred you could have
sent me a hundred dollars the first time
right if you could send me a hundred
dollars five times
in one night you could have just given
me five hundred dollars up front
and you have to look at it this way
because I am not one
Who as a black woman in this industry
plays into that uh that ideology of oh
my God as a black Dom you know you have
to be the the the ultimate negro you got
to be super negro you gotta be the best
of the best you have to do this and you
have to do that you have to outperform
white women because white women are
always gonna have so much more white
women are always going to get more
tributes than us and that's not [ __ ]
true right me starting off in 2017
almost six seven years later I make more
than a lot of my white counterparts
who've been doing this for years
veteran status they've been in the
industry for 10 15 years and they still
haven't hit and made accomplishments
that I've been able to successfully you
know make and and have and do as a
you really gotta think about when it
comes to mastering this and how you're
gonna make your money
are you leaving money on the table says
are you so afraid that if you ask this
guy matter of fact if you demand this
guy to send you a thousand dollars
that he's gonna ghost you that he's
gonna not send you the money or that
you're not worth it or something like
that think about it look around on
social media look at all of the Doms
that get thousand dollar days all the
time thousand dollar tribute all the
time four figure five figure six figure
tributes like it's nothing like it's
water why are they getting those versus
it's not because 100 because you're
brand new because I've had girls who
working under me had no experience no
followers no expertise and then six
seven months in they're making their
first thousand dollar days they're
they're hitting marks they're putting up
numbers so it's not because you're new
it's not because you're black it's not
because you're a fat black and new you
know or or whatever other multitude of
of issues and things that you're
projecting onto your own narrative
because some of it is self-imposed some
of the roadblocks that you're
experiencing may be self-imposed but you
really have to think like are you really
charging your worth
think about it right now before you
answer this question
do you have a minimum in your bio or
somewhere on Twitter as a financial
dominatrix or someone who's trying to
become a financial domination who's
trying to build a lifestyle or a career
off of financial domination are you
walking around telling men that they can
do the bare minimum
because if you have anywhere in your bio
anywhere on your Twitter page anywhere
on your social media at all that oh um
if you send me at least a hundred
dollars you can talk to me if you send
me at least forty dollars you can talk
to me forty dollars
if you give a man the opportunity to do
the bare minimum he's gonna do the bare
minimum for the rest of his life are we
we're we're talking about men here like
are we not
we're talking about men here if you give
a [ __ ] an inch he gonna take a mile
if you give a man the opportunity to do
the bare minimum why the [ __ ] would he
go above and beyond that you've just
told me as a financial dominatrix you
value your time you're a high value
woman you want this and you deserve that
but at bare minimum if I give you 40 50
you're gonna talk to me right so I'm
just gonna give you fifty dollars that's
what you said I could do and then I'm
gonna save my money my thousands I'm
gonna save that for goddess akua because
goddess Sakura knows her worth she's not
telling me Oh you can just do the bare
minimum and I'm still gonna give you
access to my time energy and effort God
is so cool is gonna say you know what I
deserve this and I want it you're gonna
give it to me I am smart confident and
intelligent and all the other things
that I say you know
but like God is so cool is not gonna let
me do the bare minimum I'm not gonna
dare give goddess akua of fifty dollars
and expect to have even 10 seconds of
her time effort and energy and this is
again not for you to compare yourself to
me but really for you to take this
message home are you truly charging your
are you truly you know
getting everything that you can get out
of financial domination or are you just
flying by are you not asking for a lot
are you trying to only demand small
quantities so that you can keep clients
because you think if you ask for too
much they're gonna go away if you you
know demand too much too frequently from
this up he may ghost you and disappear
but the reality is men come and go
what I just made is Mary whether you've
been with this man whether this is a
random sub men come and go and as long
as when he comes back you have the door
open you respond you let him in he's
gonna always do that
so with the ideology that men are always
going to come back
you are the stronger smarter more
Superior race and gender
knowing what you know you have to know
as a financial dominatrix as a part of
playing the game all of this is a part
of playing the game no matter what video
you clicked on and this is the first
video you're watching on my Channel or
not the third the fourth whatever this
is all a part of the game learning the
game mastering the game and staying on
top of the game are you truly asking for
what you are worth
and if you're not
demand more
expect more
cut those subs off cut those clients off
that we're only giving you 25 dollars a
cut those subs off that
you know have no problem reimbursing
your McDonald's but if you were to get a
flat tire on the side of the [ __ ]
road and you know in the middle of the
night and you need a tow truck and a
brand new set of tires
he can't do [ __ ] for you you know and
it's not to say that those men who only
make those small contribute
contributions don't have value because
they do but if you allow yourself to sit
in that comfort zone with them
that EBT of financial domination that
that great value of financial domination
that is where you will always [ __ ]
stay you will never hit six figures you
will never hit thousand dollar days ten
thousand dollar days fifteen thousand
dollar months because you are not
aligned with it you are only taking the
surface level because you're scared at
some point
internet the psychology of it flips back
from the sub back to you now are you
going through imposter syndrome do you
um Shadow work that you need to do
around worthiness and money and and
poverty mindset
a lot of these things are rooted in
your mental belief
if you believe that as a financial
dominatrix or as a black woman screw
Financial domination for a second if you
believe that as a black woman that it is
not possible for any man that you're
dating that you're talking to that
you're recording that's pursuing you if
you believe in your heart of hearts that
you do not deserve for a man to pay your
bills all of your bills that you have to
go 50 50 because that's just how life is
it's not realistic for a man to buy you
a house or to pay a dowry for your hand
in marriage that's what they used to do
back in Africa [ __ ] that's what they
used to do back in Africa because Africa
because that's what the [ __ ] we deserved
he had to buy you a house and and give
you fifty thousand dollars in Dowry and
give your father a lamb and a goat and a
chicken and a cow
and buy your hand in marriage because
that's what you were worth and that's
how the the traditional practices are
when these men say that they want a
traditional woman but they don't have
traditional diaries for marriage
they want a traditional woman but they
don't know how to go build a [ __ ]
you know what I'm saying so it's like
take inventory of your
right now as a black woman in this video
and then let me know in the comments
this is a safe space if you feel like
you are not worthy of a man taking care
of you providing for you you know so
that you don't have to go clock into
nine to five if you don't want to you
can one day let's say you want to get
married and and have kids and not have
to work your husband retired you
you don't have to work and and leave
your house while you're three four five
six months pregnant to go work 60 hours
a week because your husband is providing
for you if some Part of Yourself feels
like that's wrong or feels like you
don't deserve it then Financial
domination is never going to work for
you and it's never gonna work for you
until you change that mindset that
belief about yourself and your own
that is something I even had to go
through myself and not in a sense of
feeling like oh a [ __ ] can't you know
spend no money on me because I'm if you
want to spend the baby I'm not going to
stop you okay I've always been very much
spoiled okay very much and
for me
the philosophy of not spending money so
I can spend yours is something I've
always had but asking knowing how to ask
for things
not necessarily asking men but for me it
was asking period asking for help when I
needed it
being able to you know
instead of having my pride and my ego so
closely tied to not needing help needing
to be seen as the independent black
woman who don't need no man right
removing that kind of stereotype that
kind of mental block over my life
because that's how I was raised
my father has always taught me to be
very independent never put yourself in a
position to depend on anyone man or
woman and there are certain parts of
that upbringing that are positive and
there are certain parts of that
upbringing that are negative for a black
woman in this world in society because
that not only like I said taught me to
not depend on people but that taught me
not depend on no [ __ ] body even the
person who taught me that philosophy you
know so
if you truly want to be successful in
this if you truly want to make
an impact a difference you want to see
the results that you're trying to see
you want to get from zero to 100 you
want to go from survival to six figures
do you want to go from quitting a nine
to five or working a nine to five to
using Financial domination to build a
side hustle for you to build a business
for you right build that Financial
Freedom take a look at the way that you
look at money
the way that you look at money the way
that you look at yourself your
self-worth the men that you have in your
um and what you are willing to allow in
your life
because if you are vibrating at a level
that says huh I don't deserve this why
should men do this for me and I'm saying
that I deserve these things it's easy
for me to tweet that I deserve money
give me your money pay Pig whatever of a
Fluff someone else taught you that
Financial domination was you're saying
all of the right things on tweets but if
you're a soul and your spirit don't
believe it it's not gonna happen for you
it's not baby it's just not and this is
no shade this is no tea
it's constructive criticism out of love
and out of respect for the game and
putting more and more women on with this
because it's high time for the divine
feminine to wake up the Divine black
feminine to wake up to the power that we
already have inside of us
you don't need nobody's permission to do
this [ __ ]
this is divine intervention this is
reparations [ __ ]
this is reparations keep it a beam
so get yours but make sure that you know
inside and outside that you deserve it
because like I said it's easy to type it
in a tweet
it's easy to you know pick up a script I
can write a script for you I can tell
you what to say as the femdom I can tell
you how to dress how to look where to go
I can give you everything you need to
become a little mini me and just
cut and paste copy paste cookie cutter
how to make six figures and find them
but you're not going to be happy that
because it's not you
you're not bringing what makes you
to the table
and quite honestly it ain't gonna ever
be another me
right the reason why I say often
often imitated and results never
duplicated is because
you think I'm the only one that's out
here teaching Financial domination
we're one of the oldest one of the first
one of the largest one of the most
and one of the only Platforms in this
industry that has proven to actually
give their clients and students results
but we're not the only ones teaching it
of course not
there will never be another me
there will never be another afro Dom
I don't care what club organization
sorority Network program platform you go
if it ain't me it ain't popping
they call it a blueprint for a reason
so it's like
you gotta take it
with a grain of salt learn the game and
don't be afraid
to make mistakes in this industry
because otherwise you will never grow
you cannot be afraid to self-reflect
otherwise you will never
so here's the thing
and this is what I want
if you take nothing from today's video
this is what I want you to know
a big part of your success in financial
domination will be tied to your sense of
self-worth and purpose if you feel like
you are not worthy or deserving of a man
or many men
coming out of their pocket to spoil you
to invest in your businesses to invest
in you your future your college
education your career if you feel like
some part of you has an issue with
asking for money taking money from men
demanding money and what you desire
because even if it's not money let's say
it's sex for example if you have a
problem demanding something that you
truly desire it's not just some fluff
some [ __ ] I'm not talking about oh
you want a ten thousand dollar purse or
some [ __ ] and you don't know you don't
want to ask the sugar daddy for it
because you know he ain't got no I'm not
talking about that [ __ ] some [ __ ] that's
truly on your heart that you desire
something that lights your fire
something that lights your passion if
you cannot ask for that if you have a
problem asking for that if you feel like
you do not deserve it it is wrong for
you to have it or anything like that
I need you to take some time
to reflect
on what it is that you want out of life
as a beautiful educated smart black
woman focus on what you want out of life
and how the [ __ ] you are going to get it
if you can't open your [ __ ] mouth and
demand what you want
because if you think these black
[ __ ] these white [ __ ]
these Hispanic [ __ ] these
Korean Chinese Asian [ __ ] is
going to give you what you want
from you being cutesy Tootsie and oh I
don't know I don't want to ask for it if
you think they gonna give you what the
[ __ ] you asked for without you having to
come out your mouth and bark and stomp
your feet and damn near snatch it out
they [ __ ] hands you're wrong
come on now
y'all best to wake the [ __ ] up
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express your truth- market yourself- copywrite

Copywriting is the professional creation of advertising texts, which is made up of the English word "copy" for text and "writing" for writing. The purpose of a copywriter is to arouse interest in readers with the chosen words, create need and, ideally, bring about a conversion (the desired action).

Goals of copywriting

Generating interest and attention
Generating need and desire
Persuasion and conviction
Conversion and sales

Types of copywriting

Advertising texts for print media (magazines, newspapers, brochures)
Advertising texts for online media (websites, social media, emails)
Advertising texts for audio media (radio, podcasts)
Advertising texts for video media (television, YouTube)

Skills of a copywriter

Communication skills
Analytical skills
Understanding of target groups and market research
* Ability to present complex content in a simple and understandable way

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